Lori wrote:

<< I liked Madonna immediately upon the release of her very first album
-- was that 1983? -- and I still like her.  Would love to see her in 
concert.  However, I'm amazed that you would begin to like her AFTER
Evita, which is the one movie in all of my memory which absolutely put 
me to sleep! >>

        Hi Lori,
        My problem with Madonna has always been that she sells her music
with sex, exploiting Christian symbolism to create controversy.
        Strip away the virgin/whore sensationalism and no one would be
interested in Madonna's thin little voice.
        A perfect example of this was her debut of Shanti/Ashtangi video
(from Ray of Light) in India, causing a riot among Hindus who were
outraged by her portrayal of their goddess Shanti. Madonna did this just
to create a controversy to sell CDs!
        For Evita she finally took voice lessons and it shows.
        But why don't I believe that Madonna actually wrote any of those
songs on Ray of Light?

        NP: Ray of Light, "Candy Perfume Girl" (I love it!)

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