>  Madonna did this just
> > to create a controversy to sell CDs!


> Maybe so, maybe not.  Guess only she really knows the answer to that.
>  As for what she has done or not done, I simply don't care.  I am not
> interested in what musicians are doing in their lives except for giving me
> music that I enjoy, which she has and maybe will continue to do. 


You're exactly right.  The important thing is the music itself, and if
she's creating music you love and/or enjoy then that's all that matters.

There has always been controversy which can play some part in the marketing
of music and I think there always will be.  I actually bought my first Led
Zeppelin album because I went to a Christian seminar on rock music and I
was curious to see if there was really a backwards message on Stairway to

Music in many cases is a reflection of a culture or subculture.  There was
controversy before Madonna came along and there is still controversy.  Just
look at the Catholic Church.  I'm just saying, Madonna wasn't the first
person to fuse sex/pop culture with religion and she probably won't be the
last.  I can only applaud her for her success in marketing herself. 
Whether or not her music is good enough to back up her marketing is a
personal decision.


NP: Joni  - Refuge of the Roads

--- Victor Johnson

Look for the new album "Parsonage Lane" in March 2003
Produced by Chris Rosser at Hollow Reed Studios

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