Franklin wrote: > <Franklin> Please Kasey, while I respect Kakki's apparently > unflappable "belief" (note my preferred choice of words) in the > propaganda that this is one great big open, honest land of liberty, > defending, the poor, downtrodden, ignorant and misled legions here > and everywhere else abroad through every means necessary (force of > course being preferable if at all possible, as it's by far the most > profitable) I must attempt to dissuade you from further encouraging > her wishful thinking.
Eh? >I generally prefer the concept of thoughtful thinking preceding the wishful variety. In my limited thoughtful thinking, I perceive most of what you have expounded to be conspiracy theories, (not to judge whether that is good or bad). They are theories about conspiracies. As I said to you before, I can always see some truth and some fiction in all of them. That is what usually makes them so compelling. All propaganda uses the same devices. The bottom line is that no one knows all the truth of everything or how it is all working together. One may know 5% or 99% but cannot know it all. You do appear to be saying you know it all and that you know all the answers. You profess to be a Christian - didn't Christ speak about everyone only knowing in part? I have no problem at all with not knowing all the answers to everything out there. Living like that doesn't make me less intelligent. In fact, I find myself at my least intelligent those times when I think I have it all figured out. Kakki