<Franklin> A) They are not MY hypotheses. B) Perhaps you didn't want
to find substance to them.  That might alter, restrict or otherwise
distress your apparently rigid yet comforting personal world-view.
Try this site on for size http://www.infowars.com  That oughta REALLY
blow your safety-craving spirit - all several hundred articles. You
seem to confuse conspiracies with fairy tales, and that's just what
THEY want you to do. Exactly, precisely how it works. Yet a
conspiracy is simply that - a conspiracy "to join in a secret
agreement to accomplish an unlawful or wrongful act 2) a mischievous
plot, generally conceived for political, personal or financial gain
in a such a manner as to skillfully elude discovery.

Who are THEY, Franklin?  Not genralizations, names. I don't remember giving
my world view, only my opinion of your post.  However, I guess your high
inteligence permits you to assume you KNOW my views.

<Kasey> They are merely an opinion on world events.

<Franklin> That's your opinion.

Oh, I thought it was my world view point.

<Franklin> Thank you. I've always subscribed to the principle that
ALL meaningful manifestos must be wordy and empty!

Congratulations, you have succeded

 Perhaps the remote
possibility of recognizing that we are not in ANY danger, imminent or
otherwise from Saddam Insane and his 223 1950's vintage (classics,
I'm sure - probably collectable if auctioned on e-bay) Soviet tanks,
his infamous shotgun (that really scares the hell outa ya, doesn't
it?) And his Fedora - complete with GPS satellite system to target
your home - is a HUGE leap for some.  The idea that G.DUB has the
I.Q. of a sparrow and the morals of a mouse is probably a huge leap
too. Let's all rally around the flagpole and hurry up and rid the
world of this Mad Mastermind and his pita-pounding patsies before he
annihilates us all. All we need to do is increase the war budget to
say, oh -  3-500 billion dollars (never mind whose pockets that's
inevitably going into), toss roughly 200,000 young men and women over
there and while we're at it, we might as well confiscate his biggest
threat: those deadly oil fields that have the capability of toppling
entire economies with a single turn of the spigot. Now mind you, lest
there be any misunderstanding, the oil well appropriations are
strictly incidental to the "real" issues at stake.

And again we jump right off the track in to a rambling mass of s**t.

In fact, THEY'RE already hard at work trying to figure out how to
dole out the proceeds from the petrol collectively into every
red-blooded American's pockets.  Just think! We're all gonna be
RICH!!  Hell, the entire human race can see that this is the only
sane thing to do to protect all of "humanity". And they realize that
the American public should at least receive communal rights to those
oily wells - out of sheer gratitude for OUR courage and resolve,
standing up to that extraordinary, world-threatening POWERHOUSE -
Iraq.  What a brilliant idea on G.Dub's part. Sheer genius.  Must
have thought about it while reading People Magazine in the John.(On
second thought, there's probably a "red phone" in there.

This in fact?  Not an opinion?  I believe this is exactly my point.

<Kasey wrote> I would have to believe that all persons in government
are corrupt.That no one elected to public office ran because they
wanted to make
a difference.

<Franklin responds> Well if you "would have to believe that all
persons in government are corrupt" then I can't argue with you. Such
absolutes are a real impediment to contemplating alternative
possibilities, especially rational ones. (Just try reasoning with
Osama, or G.Dub for that matter - good luck.)

I think they might be easier to 'reason' with.

<Franklin> Now we're getting somewhere. I am aware of that, although
I must confess - I'm somewhat surprised that you are!!

Oh, I have my moments.  Why just the other day I tied my
shoes all by myself.

<Franklin> To a degree. They have put an interesting twist on it: "Do
you want Candidate A, or Candidate A.  Take your pick". (by the way,
I believe you meant "further".

So we just stay home and not vote?  Maybe that's what THEY want you
to think. If no one votes THEY get control. ( by the way, you for got the ')'
your 'by the way)

<Franklin> All I can say to that is that stretching is very good for
the body (as well as the brain) and, in any event, is highly
recommended before and after any vigorous exercise (mental or

Thanks, I'll try to keep that in mind.

<Kasey wrote>  Now you say that only those that know the 'truth' can
rise above this.

<Franklin> Quotes "" around truth yours not mine,

Franklin these ' ' aren't quotation marks, these " " are

 Another fascinating
thing is how often they cringe, cry foul, seethe and scream when
confronted with it, through spiritual, social or personal revelation.
The "truth" really does hurt some times - don't it though. Ah,
humanity... such a silly, selfish bunch.

I think your post demonstates this nicely.

But my dear, back to qualifying (yours); I have conducted most of my
conversation regarding a different kind of "truth".  Let's call it
facts, just to avoid confusion. For instance, here's a fact: Kennedy
was assassinated ONE day after he signed a bill withdrawing all U.S.
forces out of Vietnam. Lyndon (hi, I'm a corrupt, politically
whoring, good ol' boy from Texas. Where did you say you put those
sacks of hundred dollar bills partner? - behavior that even his
hand-picked biographer freely acknowledges) Johnson's FIRST act as
the new REGIME leader was to rescind and reverse that bill with
Generals standing beside him gleefully rubbing their hands together -
HIS VERY FIRST ACT. OK, so maybe it WAS coincidence. A coincidence
that culminated in a ten year quagmire costing our heroic (we were
there to HELP those poor,ignorant Vietnamese from deciding what type
of government they wanted to live under - boy would that have been a
world-threatening disaster. We sure showed our courage and care)
efforts to the tune of 55,000 dead American sons and over a trillion
dollars in "military hardware" support. Much of that ended up in the
"enemies" hands when we hi-tailed it outa there.  Hmmmm....wonder
where that trillion went anyway, you know - which bank accounts.  I
guess the price of napalm is just WAY beyond my scope of
comprehension. Who makes that wonder weed burner anyway?  Just think
what that patent's worth!!!!

And off the deep end again. This is what amuses me.

I could go on and on with my "theories", but then again, I really
couldn't.  Because everything I've just discussed is facts (oh, those
ratty, trouble-makin' little facts).s

Fact, Okla. Fed building was bombed.
Fact, Kennedy was shot.
Fact, watergate happened.
All else is theroy, inuendo, and conjector on whatever pieces
of information that are out there.

<Kasey>  I am a firm believer in God.

<Franklin> Oh, really?  Which Ones?

<kasey> However Gsod is what I call the creator, some call him/her
other names, like  Mohammad, Krishna, or Buddha.  I too believe
Christ to be a messiah.  Messiah meaning teacher.

<Franklin> I had no idea there were so many creators!!! No wonder the
world is such a mess.  Maybe they should get together (they must all
still be alive, as they are "God(s) what I call the creator" as you
put it, and by definition the term God implies eternal) and come up
with one big blueprint that is consistent.

Franklin, reread your bible my son.  Genises says,
"And the sons of GODS mated with the daughters of man"

<Kasey> As you are interested in philosophy you know that Socrates
also willingly died for what he believed, I'm sure you've heard of the

<Franklin> Do I discern some sort of ominous suggestion here? lol

Noooooo. Point being both Christ, and Socrates willingly died for
what they believed. Sorry if that was over your head.

<Kasey> So though I find your writings interesting, I find it is only an
opinion, not based in fact but interpretation.

<Franklin> Poisoning the well again Kasey, naughty, naughty. My main
writings involve horrific events that are factual and attempting to
ascertain the facts regarding the.  My personal beliefs are what you
would be referring to as "interpretation".  Two different donkeys
dear. (BTW - you finally admit that you find "wordy and empty
manifestoes" interesting, at least mine!) AHA, gotcha! No seriously,
I'm honored.

<Kasey, addressing Kakki >, you are giving factual information to
someone who is arguing opinion, and theory.  It won't work, but great

<Franklin> Please Kasey, while I respect Kakki's apparently
unflappable "belief" (note my preferred choice of words) in the
propaganda that this is one great big open, honest land of liberty,
defending, the poor, downtrodden, ignorant and misled legions here
and everywhere else abroad through every means necessary (force of
course being preferable if at all possible, as it's by far the most
profitable) I must attempt to dissuade you from further encouraging
her wishful thinking. I generally prefer the concept of thoughtful
thinking preceding the wishful variety.  But then again - that's just
another one of my "opinions"

Kakki.........see what I mean?:)

I don't know you, but can honestly say I accept, enjoy (and would no
doubt like, should we ever meet) you both.

I don't know about that Franklin.....after all I'm a flag
waving, GodS loving, half wit, homosexual.  Can't see how
one as inteligent, and inclusive as you are could much care about
little ol me.
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