>  First comment, would be that discussing past, 
> >current, or future impact was not the issue, as I understood it. 
> >The point was strictly about the conistency of "consistent, 
> >inspirational quality". The point, at least as far as I understood 
> >it was artists capable of releasing innovative, totally "filler 
> >free" album/CDs. There is a world full of great artists with spotty 
> >records (no pun intended) as far as timeless, meaningful, classic 
> >songs go. Sure, they might have a few (if one is fortunate indeed) 
> >songs on any given CD that are memorable, that become part of one's 
> >life.

I do consider the albums I mentioned to be filler free.  I believe they are
of "consistent inspirational quality" and I would not change anything about
them.  And one of the reasons these particular artists stand out to me, is
not only do they all possess a sheer beautiful and magical quality, but
they are all hugely innovative and have definately helped shape the
direction of music then and now.  I feel the same way about Blue, For the
Roses, and Court and Spark.  Not only are they beautiful works of art but
they have had a huge impact on music itself and influenced countless
musicians and continue to do so.

When I think of what Joni has done, I have to take all of this into
consideration.  Those three albums she did were groundbreaking and in my
opinion, that is part of her accomplishment.

> Obviously, just because someone, or most people for that matter, 
> haven't been exposed to an artist's body of work has little to do 
> with its artistic content/merit. 
No it does not.  But again these records have influenced countless
musicians and they are still held in high regard thirty some odd years
later.  I see that as a major accomplishment.

> BTY I found it interesting that you mentioning: <Victor> "personal 
> favorites aside". <Franklin> I'm not quite sure what to make of that. 
> Since art, by definition, is subjective, taste, I would think that 
> "personal favorites" would play a major factor in anyone's choices. I 
> doubt you were insinuating that you were being objective in your 
> category entries. Then again, odd as it might seem to me, maybe you 
> were.

I only meant that I was taking more than my own personal taste into
consideration when thinking of people who have come close to what Joni has
accomplished, considering everything I have mentioned above.  For sure,
everyone is going to have a different opinion if we are only speaking about
strictly artistic content.  

Victor in Asheville

--- Victor Johnson
Visit http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson

Look for the new album "Parsonage Lane" in March 2003
Produced by Chris Rosser at Hollow Reed Studios

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