Franklin> First comment, would be that discussing past,
 >current, or future impact was not the issue, as I understood it.
 >The point was strictly about the conistency of "consistent,
 >inspirational quality". The point, at least as far as I understood
 >it was artists capable of releasing innovative, totally "filler
 >free" album/CDs. There is a world full of great artists with spotty
 >records (no pun intended) as far as timeless, meaningful, classic
 >songs go. Sure, they might have a few (if one is fortunate indeed)
 >songs on any given CD that are memorable, that become part of one's
> >life.

Victor answers> I do consider the albums I mentioned to be filler free. I believe they areof "consistent inspirational quality" and I would not change anything aboutthem. And one of the reasons these particular artists stand out to me, is not only do they all possess a sheer beautiful and magical quality, but they are all hugely innovative and have definately helped shape the
direction of music then and now. I feel the same way about Blue, For the
Roses, and Court and Spark. Not only are they beautiful works of art but
they have had a huge impact on music itself and influenced countless
musicians and continue to do so.

Franklin responds: Victor you not only strike me as a dear soul, but I find that our musical tastes are actually quite similar concerning the lists you provided (which leads me to conclude that you have excellent taste - LOL). Any comments of mine regarding technicalities concerning the totatity of certain works in no way reflects my opinions as all mentioned being musically inspired icons.

<Victor>When I think of what Joni has done, I have to take all of this into
consideration.  Those three albums she did were groundbreaking and in my
opinion, that is part of her accomplishment.

 Franklin - No question there!!

 > Obviously, just because someone, or most people for that matter,
 haven't been exposed to an artist's body of work has little to do
 with its artistic content/merit.
<Victor said> No it does not. But again these records have influenced countlessmusicians and they are still held in high regard thirty some odd yearslater. I see that as a major accomplishment.

Franklin: NO question there. Countless is correct. Still not necessarily part of the initial issue, but I agree with you whole-heartedly.

<Franklin stated> BTY I found it interesting that you mentioning, "personal favorites aside". I'm not quite sure what to make of that. Since art, by definition, is subjective, taste, I would think that "personal favorites" would play a major factor in anyone's choices. I doubt you were insinuating that you were being objective in your category entries. Then again, odd as it might seem to me, maybe you were.

>Victor responds: I only meant that I was taking more than my own personal taste intoconsideration when thinking of people who have come close to what Joni hasaccomplished, considering everything I have mentioned above. For sure,everyone is going to have a different opinion if we are only speaking about strictly artistic content.

Franklin responds: Well done counsel. That clarifies my question quite clearly. Once again, thank you for your thoughtful, considerate and intelligent comments. I've enjoyed this interaction.
Highest regards, Franklin
NP  Jeff Beck "You Had It Coming"

--- Victor Johnson

Look for the new album "Parsonage Lane" in March 2003
Produced by Chris Rosser at Hollow Reed Studios

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