There are breast and then there are breasts, doncha think?   I frankly do
not remember people buying DJRD or FTR because there is some hot chick
nekked on the/in the album cover.   Some nudity is designed to titillate and
some is not.  Kinda like Hefner pointing to Reubens and saying:  "I am doing
the same thing that he did!"  It does not take much insight to see that JM
is an artist saying something using the human form and Brittany and Ricky
Martin are shaking their bon bons to cause a baser reaction.  Not to say
that I don't enjoy the latter, just that I can see a difference.  That's my
story and I am sticking to it.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim L'Hommedieu (Lama)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 2:26 PM
Subject: Who's breasts are they anyway? 100% JC

> Joni recently made a sarcastic remark about getting a choreographer and
> going bare-breasted to uhh... inflate her sales.
> Wait a minute.  Isn't she barebreasted on the cover of "Don Juan's
> Daughter"?
> For those without the LP jacket, on the cover there are at least 2 Jonis.
> The first one is "Art Nouveau", the African-American guy wearing a white
> vest a jacket.  The second is the artist herself wearing a long, black
> dress.  At the waistline is a white bird.  Below the waistline, there's a
> red balloon-animal.  Beside the red balloon is a photo of a female figure
> with her right elbow over her head and her left hand on her hip.
> I know boobs when I see 'em and there are two!  Did we ever resolve
> it's a model or uhmmm... the artist herself?  It may be small on a CD
> "coverlet" but there's nothing ambiguous about it on the LP jacket.
> Lama
> PS, Is Art doing magic?  I think he's pulling doves out of something.  Is
> that what everyone else sees too or is it some kind of ink-blot test?
> np: "The Hissing Of Summer Lawns" on primo Japanese vinyl.  I've died and
> gone to heaven.

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