With the LP jacket in hand..studying like a good student..Art is calling the doves making them fly away...to finally reveal who is the naked lady. ( for Art and the sweet little innocent to Joni's left eyes only) Next clue: Get out your HOSL LP.. open it to reveal Joni in pool....shape the same...Joni's arms look very similar to the mysterious naked woman on DJRD.

Follow-up: Would Joni wear a picture of a naked lady on her dress other than herself?

Every woman has a certain way she carries herself..walks..poses..carriage.... stands.. that is all her own!!

Next get out Joni Mitchell's ..Complete Poems and Lyrics...the stance..shape...HER ARMS...all points to naked woman on the dress.

Not the breasts..but the arms tells it all!!

Bree...who would not part with these two vinyls for all the tea in China or Twinkies in your pantry!!

I know boobs when I see 'em and there are two!  Did we ever resolve whether
it's a model or uhmmm... the artist herself?  It may be small on a CD
"coverlet" but there's nothing ambiguous about it on the LP jacket.


PS, Is Art doing magic?  I think he's pulling doves out of something.  Is
that what everyone else sees too or is it some kind of ink-blot test?

np: "The Hissing Of Summer Lawns" on primo Japanese vinyl.  I've died and
gone to heaven.

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