Indeed I do live here but didn't attend, though I did see Norah Jones and
the Mingus Big Band here over the last 10 days (so-so and excellent
respectively). I don't have mtv but i can assure you that he wore a white
sleeveless cotton top and a white woolen hat with the nike swoosh over what
seems to be a black baseball cap. In the photo I can't see his trousers or
trainers. Linguistic note: 'rapper' in Catalan is written 'raper'. Strange,
----- Original Message -----
From: "vince" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "mike pritchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 3:12 PM
Subject: njc pritchard vs eminem

> And you live in Barcelona where I understand Eminem won at least 3
> MTV-Europe awards last night and performed a new mix of "Cleaning out My
> Closet" and "Lose Yourself" and from you, no first hand report?
> The LA JMDLers showed us all how to cover an appearance, and because of
> your lack of reporting, I have no idea whether Em wore his hood, his
> cap, or his do-rag!
> Vince
> I have "revolution/televised" in a greatest hits cd album of G S-H and
> somewhere have it on the original album on vinyl but will have to dig it
> out to know what the album was called.  Did his grandfather really play
> soccer or are you just tricking us?

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