Well, yeah.  Mister Matthew Gilbert of the Boston
Globe did a fine review.  He spoke with knowledge and
affection for Joni's music and lyrics.  I think he
understood her intent perfectly.  He made his points

Me?  I was raised up on the dance bands of the 40s,
the bossa nova movement in Jazz, then the flowering
that we now call Rock, that grew out of Bo Diddley and
Chuck Berry.  Later I discovered the drama of Aaron
Copeland AND Stewart Copeland.  I loved Progressive
Rock which was a bombastic mix of synthesizers,
strings, showy solos, melodramatic singing,
apocalyptic stories, and drumming informed by Jazz.

"TRAVELOGUE" smells like home to me.  Thanks to Simon
and some others, I've been listening to audience tapes
of Vince Mendoza's rebirth of "Judgment of the Moon
And Stars (Ludwig's Tune)" from the Both Sides Now
tour in 2000.  It makes perfect sense to me but I
can't disagree with Matthew Gilbert assessment either.

His is a valid perspective.  It reminds me of my
perception of "Dog Eat Dog" and "Turbulent Indigo" for
their first two years in my life.  I've played "Dog
Eat Dog" through twice this afternoon and I feel very
differently about it today.

It's too bad he dismissed the sumptuous artwork of
carefully ordered images and the exquisitely chosen
text.  They hold keys to appreciating "TRAVELOGUE"
because they include current references that give the
listener permission to hear "TRAVELOGUE" as a work
that grapples with the September 11th attacks on the
USA, and the futility of attempting to "win" in a
spiritual battle.

Joan didn't re-visit "The Three Great Stimulants" in
"TRAVELOGUE" but it would fit right in.  

Joni wrote:

Fiction of obedience
Fiction of rebellion
Fiction of the goody-goody and the hellion
Fiction of destroyers
Fictpeace makerservers
Fiction of peacemakers and shit disturbers
<edited for continuity>
Fiction of the moralist
Fiction of the nihilist
Fiction of the innovator and the stylist
Fiction of the killjoy
Fiction of the charmer
Fiction of the clay feet and the shining armour
Fiction of the declaimers
Fiction of the rebukers
Fiction of the pro and the no nukers
Fiction of the gizmo
Fiction of the data
Fiction of the this is this and that is that ahh!

My opinion?  The master lives on and has a great team.
 "TRAVELOGUE" has already given me new insight into
why she hasn't written lately.  After one has reduced
all of the arguments to fiction, then goes one step
beyond that, and even reject nihilism, what more is
there to say?


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