Citat Maggie McNally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Actually, she referred to us as "old peoples" - Alex and I have come to
> use that phrase on a regular basis. Mostly as in, "well, of course we're
> tired, we're old peoples."  We especially loved the peoples as plural
> part. 

No, it DID say "old hippies", Susan. Although, I shouldn't ruin the fun for you 
guys... ;-P 

I'll write my 0.2 on T'log tomorrow. Tonight has been another fun night out 
with Jack Neilson celebrating the shipping-off of his debut-cd! I'm SO happy 
for him and, I warn you, the result is creating severe goosebumps! And I 
finally got a Danish Carlsberg after a month of withdrawal... 

Goodnight old (and young) peoples!


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