Just kidding! Nothing shocking but LOTS of exciting things happening for me, a 
Dane being exposed to the life in the REAL City (NOTHING like small 
Copenhagen!). My "new life" consists of music, music and then some music. I've 
been out to hear so many good bands and had the chance of sitting in many 
times, which is always nerve tingling but fun when it all comes together (IF it 
does!). The cocktail bar "Lee Circle" is frequently visited to the point where 
I just have to say "The Usual" (I've always wanted to be able to say that) and 
the bartender hands over a "firetruck" (Jagermeister and cranberry 
soda...highly recommended!).

There's still lots of jamming going on as Jack Neilson, Michael and I are 
preparing to do a regular (once a week) gig at the House Of Blues and I've 
talked to different songwriters with whom I might collaborate. Michael says 
they are good ones, but I'll wait and see before I get TOO excited...hopefully 
something will develop from it. I'm waiting for songs from four different 
songwriters, so if you need content for your prayers...   

As Michael has already posted (but I find worth repeating), the mixing of 
Jack's CD is finished, and you all have something INCREDIBLE to look forward to 
in the beginning of December! But of course Pazfest- and Jonifest 2002-
attendees already knew that.  

Talking about Jack's release, I hope too to see MANY of you at his release 
party the 12th of December and that you'll try and stay for the weekend for a 
minifest. It'd be FANTASTIC to relive Jonifest 2002 being reunited with my new 
hippie friends!

My best to y'all,

P.S. Forgive me for the double send out of the last message...the computer 
wouldn't send it off (luckily I only pushed the button twice).

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