Hey List --

I am enjoying this thread, and hope it keeps unraveling. It IS both valid
and interesting (IMO) to discuss, as Franklin and others have done, the way
in which words and music can combine to create something of particular
beauty and power, and obviously Joni is a master of this.

As Kate has pointed out, Joni clearly considers herself a poet. And of
course she should. Again, to clarify, ALL lyrics are poetry. Poetry has been
created for thousands of years. It existed long before the written word.
Much of what we consider the best of Elizabethan poetry was chanted or sung.
So was Homer's poetry, etc.

Maybe it would be better to reformulate the question: do Joni's poems need
to be matched to her melodies in order to retain their beauty and power? To
me, the answer with many of them is a resounding NO. "The Complete Poems and
Lyrics" is the best evidence.


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