--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Dear Listers,

> I always look for opportunities to spread the Joni
> word and my greatest 
> triumph was hearing Joni quoted (after a comment by
> me) by one the leading 
> experts on Domestic Violence.  Judith Herman, author
> of Trauma and Recovery, 
> is presently at work on a book on Justice.  I was
> interviewed by her because 
> of my lengthy court odyssey when trying to extricate
> myself from my abusive 
> relationship.  
> I couldn't resist telling her that, as I would sit
> in court watching the 
> machinations of the various players in our criminal
> justice (or maybe 
> injustice) system, I'd sing Joni songs to myself. My
> then-husband's case once 
> got continued being bumped by an Ethiopian case
> since Ethiopian interpreters 
> are harder to come by than Japanese ones. So, I'm
> humming "Ethiopia" walking 
> out of the courtroom.  The ADA says, "Joni couldn't
> have a song about that!"
> Even though my ex-husband was found "not guilty" at
> his jury trial, I felt 
> there was "poetic justice" of a sort when Judith
> Herman opened her talk on 
> Justice at Radcliffe with the Joni quote from "Sex
> Kills"...."Is Justice Just 
> Ice?....."

Have you found that there's a Joni quote for just
about every situation in life? I have; moreso since I
joined this list. I don't want to start up the Church
of Joni thread again, as some found it offensive (I'm
not that easily offended, but I'm a Canadian and
therefore a wimp, or a weenie, I suppose); however, I
find Joni quotes spring to mind and trip off my tongue
much more easily than Bible and Shakespeare quotes.
I'm sure that, at least once a day, I throw out a
Joni-quote, sometimes deliberately, sometimes not; but
when it's deliberate, I always wonder whether anyone
will spot it. So far no one has. Sigh. Maybe I'm not
being obvious enough. Maybe I need to use the really
common ones like "both sides now" or "paved paradise;
put up a parking lot." On the other hand, when I had
my Joni screensavers on my PC at work (before they
made us sign those documents saying we wouldn't
download anything and we wouldn't alter anything & so
on), everyone that spotted them on my computer said,
"Oh! Joni Mitchell!" So, there you go.


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