>  >>>>And thanks Colin - hope she turns out to be a good one
> long term. I remember a singer back in the
> very late 80's maybe 90, Tanita Tikarim, who had a great
> debut album and
> then I never heard from her again. Has anyone else?! <<<<
> she brought out a great debut, followed it up with a whole
> string of
> consistently good album (personal faourite of mine is
> "eleven kinds of
> loneliness" where she sings with what sounds almost like a
> speech
> impediment and does some stunning songs like "heal you" &
> "to drink the
> rainbow". an artist worth listening to if youre into
> intelligent, self
> written lyrics, unusual & beautiful vocals, and original,
> individual
> arrangements - gee - wonder if theres anyone here that likes
> that kind of
> music :-)
> just stay clear of her latest, dreadful, "cappucino
> songs"...

no one seems to know what happened to her. even her mailing
list has gone silent. my guess is that she got disillusioned
with the music business + not having a regular life since her

i disagree about "cappuccino songs".  it has glossy production
and it's a shift from her previous albums, but it has great
songs. i would say the opener "stop listening" is one of her
best. there's not much left of her early van morrison
influences, which must have alienated some of the fans. it's
her DED... my least favourite albums are the two that followed
the excellent debut - ok & harmless but don't really represent
what i think is really her. "eleven kinds" was her first
effort to do it on her own. that one and the next "lovers in
the city" are great - interesting, original.


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