Bryan wrote:

 There's some validity to this, I'm sure. But let's face it, the problem is

Balderdash.  The only ones that would know that would be Joni herself and
her physician.

 Critics who aren't mentioning the vocal problems in their reviews are being
kind, but not doing Joni any favors, really.

As a smoker, I would imagine Joan would not be interested in this
anti-smoking tripe than I am.

Someone in her inner circle, if she listens to anyone, needs to level with
her: time to stop smoking or stop singing.

That is absolutely ludicrous.

 But even that won't be possible after another year or two of smoking.
Listening to much of this new collection is painful, and not because of
Mendoza's arrangements. I hate to say it, but it's true. I adore Joni, as
you all do, but the handwriting has been on the wall for years now.

Then don't listen.  Sad, but obviously true, that the anti-smoking agenda
has even reached here.


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