As we know - Everything comes and goes ...

That said, I do believe everything - everyone has suggested has played a part in 
changing Joni's
voice.  I am a smoker and I do make some attempts at singing.  I have always been a 
light smoker -
until more recently - and with that my voice goes - it's real simple SMOKING PLAYS A 
PART.  Now
for the most part I am enjoying Joni's altered voice, I loved the old one as well. The 
part i
don't like is the short hissing or weezing on a syllable, when it appears, she has the 
idea to
take the note somewhere else or that she lacks some strength or power.  Medication 
plays a part -
age - so the one thing she could fix - IF she cared to would be the smoking.  And 
again a voice
coach, could also show her how to use what she's got, NOT TO TEACH HER HOW TO SING.  
They help
with breathing and emitting as well.  And finally Deb those highs she used to hit were 
high even for her.  So I would guess that vocal strain would probably be another 
factor in her
altered voice.  Funny early in life it's an exercise - later it's a strain!  Just my 2 
cents. See
ya later must go get cigarettes!


NPIMH: k.d. Lang/Down ToMy Last Cigarette

--- Deb Messling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Could any singers on the list expound on this theory of improper vocal 
> strain?  It's something I've thought about as a possible cause for Joni's 
> vocal problems, but I don't know anything about singing.
> For the record, I love the new album, but I do think the voice has 
> deteriorated markedly even since BSN.  Thin and dry, as some said.  It 
> reminds me of the voice on PWWAM.  After that show, she rebounded (IMO), so 
> maybe her voice comes and goes.
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