--- Jerry Notaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > "Erica L. Trudelle" wrote:
> > He's "sexy ugly", like Wilam Defoe,or everyone in
> the Rolling Stones..
> Now HERE'S a thread!
> I'd add Christopher Walken to that list. Many of my
> friends think Ed
> Harris is a dog, but I think he's hot.

I thank Christopher Walken is just plain sexy - Idon't
think he's ugly at all. Unfortunately they get him to
play the roles of bad guys most of the time, and he
hams it up and overdoes the grotesquerie. I loved him
in "The Dead Zone" (awwww). I think Ed Harris is
handsome. Someone earlier wondered about Joni's
matching up with Leonard Cohen and seemed to imply he
was ugly. I don't think he's ugly AT ALL - he's older
and craggier, but I think Leonard Cohen is a dish.

I don't understand what Lyle Lovett would see in Julia
Roberts, to be honest. She strikes me as pretty
superficial, always getting engaged or almost married
to just about every guy in Hollywood. So how did she
end up with Lyle Lovett and what the hell did they
talk about? Or maybe talking wasn't an issue, and
maybe that's why they didn't last very long. (meow.)

It just goes to show you that even the whole issue of
beauty vs ugliness is subject to personal taste!


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