--- Mark or Travis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > njc
> Woody Harrelson does it for me!  Ed Harris too!

Woody Harrelson creeps me out. So does Matthew
McConoughey (sp??) There's something smarmy about
them, IMO; they're so "good-old-boy-ish" that I want
to slap them. Jack Nicolson gives me nightmares, but
he was kinda cute when he was young (I mean, like 30
years ago!) Recently he looks like the "before"
picture in any ad trying to show how product X can
change you from THIS (yecchh!) to THAT (yummy.) (As
in, BEFORE I tried Jack's Embalming Oil, I looked like
THIS (IWWW! Gross! Get it outta here!)" and so on.

On the other hand, I do like Ed Harris. He has nice
chiselled features, and those sparkly kind of eyes,
and he projects integrity. That's a sexy combination
IMO. Not a scintilla of smarm.


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