Just WAY TOO MUCh talk about smoking here!

Stephen in Vancouver
smoke free for over 2 weeks
after 30 years!

Quoting Sarah Gibb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hey Colin, I'm not having a go at you here, and I don't want to 
> prolong the smoking thread unnecessarily, but I can't not respond to 
> your comment that smoking doesn't cause disease in most smokers. 
> Long term smokers who don't become ill are the lucky ones, and you're 
> right that it's probably a genetic issue that protects them. 
> Scientists, supported (of course) by the tobacco companies, and 
> experimenting (of course) on animals who would otherwise never smoke, 
> are currently trying to find out what that is.  That aside, smoking 
> causes serious illness in almost all long term smokers, and some 
> short term smokers.  Lung damage is not reversible. But smokers 
> rationalize the damage away. They can't do sport easily/can't climb 
> stairs easily, so they tell themselves they must lose weight/go to 
> the gym.  When they develop the cough, they call it "smokers' cough", 
> when they should be calling it lung damage. Smoking and obesity are 
> two of the major causes of death in North America.  We don't think 
> it's cool when people eat themselves to death, and we wouldn't think 
> it respectful to build a statue of Elvis Presley holding burgers and 
> pies in his hands, even though eating was as much his trademark at 
> the end of his life as smoking is Joni Mitchell's.
> COPD (smokers' disease - bronchitis and emphysema) is the fourth 
> leading cause of death in America. In 2000, 10 million people were 
> listed as having been diagnosed with COPD, 1.5 million visited an 
> emergency room because of it, 726,000 were hospitalized with it, and 
> 119,000 died from it.  Another 14 million Americans are believed to 
> suffer from COPD undiagnosed. Death rates are an underestimate 
> because many death certificates will say "heart attack" or "old age", 
> and won't bother to mention the lung damage that caused the heart to 
> stop.
> I don't buy the choice thing, because most people start smoking when 
> they're teenagers, and by the time they realize the damage they're 
> doing, they're addicted and their choice is massively reduced.
> I agree with what you say about other types of air pollution.
> Okay, I'm off my soapbox now.  As I said earlier, when you've worked 
> as a smoking cessation counselor and have seen the terrible things 
> people have done to themselves, and how they long not to have done 
> them, you can't let myths about smoking just pass on by.
> No offence intended to you personally.
> Best,
> Sarah
> At 12:09 AM +0000 12/06/2002, colin wrote:
> >
> >very sad and very unlucky people. smoking does not casue disease in 
> >all people who smoke, not even in most of them.
> >My partner's sister is 60 and she is dying from lung cancer and 
> >emphysema. she has never smoked.
> >One would be a fool to pretend that smoking is good for one, but 
> >there is so much scare mongering and exaggeration  surrounding the 
> >smoking issue.
> >Both sides of my faimly are very long lived-80's and 90's and most 
> >smoke. Those that have died young, an aunt from cancer, and uncle 
> >from pneumonia, another form a stroke, did not ever smoke. Of course 
> >this does not eman that the long lived ones are kept alive by 
> >smoking. it does imply that our diseases are much more controlled by 
> >genes than anything else.
> >
> >on tv tonight they were showing filters used to measure the air in 
> >London, the filters were covered in black soot-as are thelungs of 
> >those who live and breathe there. The air we breathe, the 
> >chemicals/poisons in our foods and water are all ignored and smoking 
> >is made the scapegoat.
> >
> >Howver, smoking is not a good thing to do, butit really is time 
> >people minded their own business and live and let live. the 
> >pullution angle is really crap. these same people do not rant about 
> >the car they drive or the plane they catch etc. In this modern 
> >world, people are just too plain nosey!

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