It's hard to watch someone with lung damage.  My
mother smoked for about 50 years and has copd.  She
can only get meds so often or she will "develop a
resistance", which of course means she'll become
temporarily be unable to breath for an hour or so and
could die from any one of those episodes.

After trying to get her to stop for about 20 years,
there's no satisfaction in seeing that I was right.


--- Sarah Gibb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When they develop the cough, they call it
> "smokers' cough", 
> when they should be calling it lung damage. Smoking
> and obesity are 
> two of the major causes of death in North America. 
> We don't think 
> it's cool when people eat themselves to death, and
> we wouldn't think 
> it respectful to build a statue of Elvis Presley
> holding burgers and 
> pies in his hands, even though eating was as much
> his trademark at 
> the end of his life as smoking is Joni Mitchell's.
> COPD (smokers' disease - bronchitis and emphysema)
> is the fourth 
> leading cause of death in America. In 2000, 10
> million people were 
> listed as having been diagnosed with COPD, 1.5
> million visited an 
> emergency room because of it, 726,000 were
> hospitalized with it, and 
> 119,000 died from it.  Another 14 million Americans
> are believed to 
> suffer from COPD undiagnosed. Death rates are an
> underestimate 
> because many death certificates will say "heart
> attack" or "old age", 
> and won't bother to mention the lung damage that
> caused the heart to 
> stop.
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