In a message dated 12/07/2002 9:08:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> The day we tell people what to say
> and think is the day we should really be ashamed. 

I suppose ultimately you're right in a utopian sort of way...I just wish we 
could draw the line with this hate-mongering. I guess too that I just get 
sick of all the confederate flag bullsh*t I see here in South Carolina on a 
daily basis, with the "heritage, not hate" bumperstickers etc. In most cases 
it's thinly veiled (or blatant) racism and I just tire of the rhetoric, 
especially when local politics becomes consumed by this discussion and 
ignores things that matter like education and such.

And Murph's point is good too...most of the time when these groups come out 
they just make themselves look stupid.


NPIMH, Bruce Cockburn "If I Had a Rocket Launcher" :~)

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