--- chuty001 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Growing
up in rural Ontario there was not a whole
> lot to do in winter but go
> skating on the rivers and ponds. This song pretty
> much sums up how I feel
> every year about this time.

My daughter and I went down to the lake (Ontario)
today. There's an amazing park and fish/bird/butterfly
habitat at Humber Bay if you go straight down Park
Lawn to the lake. We go there often, any time of year.
It's only about a five minute drive (OK, maybe ten
mintues) from our house and is a wonderful piece of
country in the middle of the city. You can walk down
on the beach, or ramble out along a spit they've made,
which is full of wildflowers and plants of all kinds
in summer and fall. Sometimes you can go there when
it's hot and sultry outside and, if you walk right out
to the end of the spit, you can stand on these huge
rocks and catch a breeze. One day in summer we went
there when there was a crazy wind blowing and huge
waves crashing onto the rocks and we stood on the
rocks and shrieked into the wind.

There are some ponds they've built as fish habitats
and there are tons of birds, including swans, in
summer. Today when we got down there, the ponds were
frozen and people were skating and playing hockey on
them. (The hockey players were all speaking Russian.)
I guess I hadn't realized just how cold it has been in
the last few weeks, because my brain would simply not
accept the fact that not only was the water frozen,
but it was frozen hard enough for people to skate on
it. Now where the hell did I stash my skates?


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