--- SCJoniGuy wrote:

> (the postest hostess with the 
> mostest?)
Hmmm ... I like it ... Yes, I must admit - I am totally digging this title! LOL!  
happened to that quiet, shy girl from Jonifest 2001?  

Besides, you remind me too much of my big sister, so there's a whole incest thing that 
I couldn't
deal with. (Maybe if I was a NATIVE South Carolinian! LOL)

Oh yeah I forgot I remind you of your sister  ... She single yet? JK!
> But I DO love Chicago...drop me off on Halstead and let me do a blues club crawl! :~)

Ah Bob ... just a word of caution ... careful where exactly on Halsted YOU do any 
crawling ... It
is afterall maybe even more known for being "The Boys" strip, if you get my drift.  
Just your big
gay sister looking out for her st8 brother!  LOL! 

Yeah you could roll out of "Blues" and into "Kingston Mines" and not miss a note in 
either joint! 
Well come on up!  Why this city, with having so much to offer AND being so centrally 
couldn't hold one helluva Jonifest, I can't imagine.  However I am not the "Ashara" of 
midwest, so who's gonna step up for that role?! Of course I would probably be evicted 
after one of
our weekends!     

> > NPIMH: Susan/The Buckinghams
> > (and a Chicago band)
> LOVE The Bucks..."Don't You Care" is one of the prettiest pop songs ever, 
> right up there with Walk Away Renee. And their version of Cannonball 
> Adderley's "Mercy Mercy Mercy" also rocks my world greatly.

Yes all very good - and of course their first big hit and my fave - "Kind of A Drag." 
For some
reason my mother would not allow me to but the "45", she usually did this if there was 
some sexual
content.  I think she just hated the song and created some twisted excuse not to have 
it in the

Take care Bob (not the Murphy one)


NP: Lucinda Williams/Right In Time
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