Jim L'Hommedieu wrote:'roland' says the poster "has been sitting around

> Los Angeles home ever since then and does show some
> normal wear (although no tears)."  Am I to believe
> that a.) Joni has proofs at her house and b.) she
> stores them recklessly?  The woman who frames her
> paintings before she photographs them doesn't store
> her _proofs_ correctly?!  My poster from "voices"
> doesn't have any flaws at all.  What's "normal wear"
> for a sheet of paper stored in a cool, dry, dark
> environment?  What say ye, librarians?

Well, I'm a Media Librarian, not a preservationist, but it would depend
on the type of paper and the amount of acid in it. I've got a Richard
Amsel poster from Bette Midler's first tour and despite my care and
"museum" mounting it has faded, yellowed, and mildewed over the years.


np: Jeff Buckley - Last Goodbye

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