Yeah, at the dedication, the adults would all go, "Oooh, words on glass.
That's so sophisticated."  Then, after dark on the first night, a bunch of
kids would use it for target practice.

Broken words.

[Maybe it would only happen in the USA.  You don't have guns in Canada, do
you?  :) ]

Why are we discussing it, anyway?  I mean, when a sculptor comes along, it's
all going out the window anyway, right?  It's going to be "his or her"
creation and no part of this discussion will matter in the least.

npimh: "Haruph!  Four hundred years old, am I.  My OWN counsel will I keep."

npimh: I don't want nobody comin' over da my table, I got nuttin' da dalk da
anybody about.

Jack opined:
I don't know how practical glass would be, but I thought about having
a large glass screen, maybe with a bronze in front of it.  Etched on
the glass would be the lyrics to Hejira, or some other song of
choice.  They could ask Joni what song to use, conduct a fan poll, or
allow people making donations to vote on their choice of songs.

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