Well in defense of America, I must remind you all, that the inspiration for the "Pig" 
exhibit came
from Chicago's "Cow' display.  Where nary a cow was disfgured - udder than one 
kidnapping as well!

Then followed up with, I believe it was called "The Sweet Home Chicago" furniture 
exhibit.  Which
like the cows had designs and photo maches and scultpures of furniture, sponsored by 
and organizations.  Personal fave was the one brought o you by "The FREE PRESS,"  
which featured a
photo collage ... which featured a photo of - ahem ... me.  I never saw it but I do 
hear it was
THE most desired piece in the collection - LOL!  Where did they even get a picture of 

But seriously there were no real casualties here in Chicago - Surprised?!  I'm not - 
dat ain't our
style here in da 2nd city -whaddya tink yer in New York!? DUCK Gooz!  -Wouldn't that 
be a double
entendre? ;-P


NP: Diana Krall/Do It Again

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Jim, people are surprisingly law-abiding in Saskatoon, especially 
> with public art.  There's virtually no grafitti, theft or damage.  We 
> did have a giant pig exhibition this summer, where artists sculpted 
> huge pigs and had them look like Alfred Hitchcock and various other 
> things (to celebrate the adoption of the pig as Saskatchewan's symbol 
> :-) ).  A couple of them went missing, but the cops found them pretty 
> quickly, because they were so big they couldn't be hidden.   In 
> America, you might get kids shooting at your Joni Mitchell glass 
> etching. In England, it'd be urinated on then thrown in the Thames. 
> In Canada, they would RESPECT it.  :-)
> Sarah
> Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 03:39:11 -0500
> From: "Jim L'Hommedieu \(Lama\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: My ideas on Joni's statue
> Yeah, at the dedication, the adults would all go, "Oooh, words on glass.
> That's so sophisticated."  Then, after dark on the first night, a bunch of
> kids would use it for target practice.
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