Jim, people are surprisingly law-abiding in Saskatoon, especially with public art. There's virtually no grafitti, theft or damage. We did have a giant pig exhibition this summer, where artists sculpted huge pigs and had them look like Alfred Hitchcock and various other things (to celebrate the adoption of the pig as Saskatchewan's symbol :-) ). A couple of them went missing, but the cops found them pretty quickly, because they were so big they couldn't be hidden. In America, you might get kids shooting at your Joni Mitchell glass etching. In England, it'd be urinated on then thrown in the Thames. In Canada, they would RESPECT it. :-)


Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 03:39:11 -0500
From: "Jim L'Hommedieu \(Lama\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: My ideas on Joni's statue

Yeah, at the dedication, the adults would all go, "Oooh, words on glass.
That's so sophisticated." Then, after dark on the first night, a bunch of
kids would use it for target practice.

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