Now, how do people feel about what I think
of as Joni's "let's get serious" T'LOG triad --

I really disliked them on first listen; then they
grew on me and I found myself liking them.
Now? My fondness for JOB has deepened to
love, and I'm back to disliking the first two.

You know what it is for me? It isn't the 
orchestrations; I like the bombast of them.
It's Joni's performance. Both SLOUCHING
and LUDWIG seem to be beyond her 
current vocal capabilities.

On SLOUCHING, I wish someone had talked 
her out of her "Head of a man"s, I really do. (!)

And Joni sounds so rough on LUDWIG that
it feels like a first take.

As for JOB, I think it's better than the original.
I like the choir, which has a timeless, nationless,
mysterious quality. And Joni's performance
(that heartbreaking "Oh where is hope?") is

What do you think?

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