just some things that have been on my mind lately:

  * I am more and more convinced that in Don't Interrupt the Sorrow
    'notches' is notches on the bedpost--meaning her sexuality is her
    liberation, but she will always be tied to the wall because she is a
    woman and there will always be the double standard (which is crap)

  * You can't listen to Help Me without listening to Free Man in Paris it
    is like listening to Zeppellin II and hearing Heartbreaker and Living
    Loving Maid (even classic rock stations don't play one without the

  * I am glad not one song off of THOSL is on Travelogue these songs are
    all exceptional and don't need any kind of orchestration or rehashing

  * I may be in the minority but I love the first CD of T'log much more
    than the second one

  * I would be surprised if the statue of Joni does not have a cigarette,
    and really see no problem with it either, there is a statue of Red
    Auerbach in Government Center (Boston) and he has a cigar, not
    exactly healthy but everytime I walk by it there are a bunch of kids
    getting their picture taken on his lap by their parents and he is
    just some guy who ran a successful basketball team ;)

  * I am scared of Bjork's remake of The Boho Dance and will
    do everything in my power to never ever listen to it

  * Finally, I think if Joni were a man then her criticisms of the
    cesspool that the music industry has become would be a lot more
    respected as opposed to the people who think she is just bitching to



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