Hi all,

If you could travel back in time and experience 10 moments in Joni's
life, which ten moments would you choose? This crossed my mind reading
the Jaco's interview about how he heard Joni wanted to use him and I
thought, "Boy, wish I could have been there when..."

When you get to number one, that means if it came down to it and you
only had one Joni moment to experience, you would choose that moment
over all others... Hard to do!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, here are MY top ten Joni Moments I wish I could time travel back
to and experience first hand...

10. When Joni called her daughter and heard her voice for the first

9. The morning she was down in Vegas and completed her first Mingus
Lyric, "Dry Cleaner from Des Moines."

8. The day she nailed John Guerin. (He was hot! Hubba, hubba.)

7. Her first jam session with the VG-8. Late at night. Fiddling with the
settings... liking the Crystal... just playing away and letting the
creative juices flow... (the seeds of Harlem in Havana.)

6. The day (well, night probably...) she was MOST into painting her self
portrait that became the Turbulent Indigo painting. -Her great
masterpiece- and the painting that HAD to thrill her the most doing it.

5. Her meeting with Georgia O'keefe.

4. The afternoon she sat in the both and listened as Jaco Pastorius
layed his bass track down on Hejira.

3. On the road with her travelling across the desert southwest as the
seeds for Refuge of the Roads came to her. -I image some gorgeous sunset
and her pulling off into a sleepy roadside motel. She sits down on a cot
sized bed and cradles her baby Collins, set in her favorite tuning zone,
C base... and the song just pours out of her.

2.The day in Detroit where she's sitting in her apartment and putting
her guitar in a traditional open tuning and decides to stop 'in between'
because the sound interests her. -her first open tuning moment.

And my number one wish-I-were-there Joni Moment..... Joni meeting Bob
Muller. No, just kidding Bobo. My number one Joni moment: the day she
sat at the piano and discovered she couldn't hit a wrong note. Which
lead to the recording sessions that became Paprika Plains. I can't
imagine a more pleasant sound than to be at home and the only sound is
Joni at the piano.

What's your top 10?

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