In a message dated 1/1/2003 9:37:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> Imagine a song written over 30 years ago having that
> kind of impact on a man who wasn't even born when it
> was recorded. This is the stuff of Joni's legend.
True Andrew, and most of us don't have to imagine, though most of us can't 
make the statement about not being born when it was recorded! ;~)
The first time I heard C&S & Hejira was when I was a green teen. Had no idea 
of the depth of these songs, just that they were exquisite and that someday I 
would understand. Funny thing is, with some of them I'm not sure if the 
someday has come or's life's illusions I recall, I really don't know 
know life at all - but you know, life is for learning...

Oh & in regards to Blue, I had the same experience a couple of years ago with 
"River". Just hit me like a ton of bricks and I totally lost it.


NP: Brok Benton, "Hotel Happiness"

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