I'm beginning to get worried here: am I really the only atheist on the list?? Colin, I know you're no fan of organized religion, but you believe in a higher power.
yes but I wouldn't define it.

I don't, or at least I'm agnostic regarding that. I wouldn't want to say that everything we see is all that exists. But I also find a belief in god (in any traditional sense) as basically superstition.
so do i!

I believe in the maxim of Feuerbach: "For god to be everything, man must be nothing".
I don't agree with that. I think we are God. You and me and everyone else. If God is the ocean, we are raindrops.

We should trust ourselves and our own judgement and sort out life on this earth by ourselves, with no help from gods, real or imagined.
I agree. Thos we get help regardless. It just depends on whetehr we hear it or not or are aware when we do. meaning we get ideas and we either act upon them or we don't. 'inspriation', a hunch, a gut feeling ect. Things come into our path and we either notice them and take heed or we ignore them or sidestep them or whatever.

Regarding the mid-east, I believe the U.N (or, if they won't, Britain and America) should impose a solution, and back it up with force. And forget who was there first. It's too late to argue that now.

your does does away with the Palestinians. that is smart. I can think of a reason or two why this idea would not work.


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