Stepping in here just for a moment, as I have chosen to stay out of the fray of 
religions ad wars
this time around.  I am proud as a humanist & atheist to be just that.  I was raised in
Catholicism.  And I can say that I have questioned my religion and the exisitence of 
"god" since I
was 6 years old.  In fact I remember that fearful moment exactly, as I sat in my 
religion class
with my little Jesus workbook in front of me and suspected then what I have come full 
circle to
believe in as an adult.  Does this make me a sinner or wrong.  I do not have that 
fear.  That the
teachings of the book are a guide for humanity to follow, -yes.  But to be fearful of 
a god, and
the very exisistence of one has hung over me for almost 40 years now, as a farce.  I 
thought that at the end of that little workbook they (nuns) were going to tell us that 
there was
no god and that we must live a good life and be an asset to humanity by following the 
teachings laid out by those prophets who once walked the earth.  I believe now as you 
say Vince
this was the right answer for me.  When I see many of you, on both sides and I do not 
doubt, nor
question your faith,  spewing words that divide, and arguing semantics, I feel more 
and more
confident in my choice.  Not so much a choice even.

--- vince <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
As Bonhoeffer wrote 
> (pastor, theologian, plotter in the assassination attempt, and killed by 
> the Nazis), we live in a world come up age, a world that in which we 
> have found religion to be empty and it impossible to believe in the old 
> ways anymore, which were probably all cultural conditioning anyway.  

The above is also something I can not believe so many do NOT understand.  Cutures 
dictated much of
how a religion was defined & written.  Not to mention being a feminist and the sexismI 
find in
almost evry religion. The times, the neccessities of surviving even.  Most religious & 
groups rituals and traditions come right from this very thought.  Everyone was looking 
for a
reason to believe and found ways within their own culture to make it so.
> Atheism is a legitimate response to the question of God. 

While I do not require validation, I thank you Vince for yor open minded and fairness. 
 I did not
make this choice out of hate or spite, but out of a personal striving towards truth.

Faith is  not be a matter of 
> agreeing to a series of statements, agreeing to a set of intellectual 
> propositions, some or many or all of which may be questionable to a 
> thinking person.  Faith is about living as if every other person is 
> equal and worthy and doing what one can for the sake of others.

And I add, do no confuse an atheist with a selfish, hateful or uncaring person.  
Although I am
sure some are.  I like to call myself a humanist.  And I too fail miserably everyday 
at this,and
yet vow to get up tomorrow and make the effort again.

> >
> > I'm beginning to get worried here: am I really the only atheist on the 
> > list??   Colin, I know you're no fan of organized religion, but you 
> > believe in a higher power. 

Clearly Sara, you now know you are not alone here.  And yet we both will take stands 
for and
against the wars now being fought in the world in these times.  Whenever i have tried 
here to
explain my opinion on the war between the Jews and Arabs, I may not have been called 
so but the
insinuation has been that I am Anti-Semmetic.  So far from it, I am way way  a 
supporteer of
Israel.  Remember the words "Silence = death."  However, just as I am anti-war or 
violence here in
America, this does not make me an expatriate or anti-American.  I believe this makes 
me a
practicing Amercian.  This is using my humanity and my beliefs to further my personal 
crusade, for
all to search for and hopefully find the common ground.  And to act like HUMAN BEINGS, 
and not
like two hockey teams ripping each other's throats out to win the right to the Holy 
Grail!  Note
to Canadians - I LOVE Hockey!  

By the way, WHAT is so funny 'about peace, love and understanding - and I must get 
this in, to
those who would use those words against or to make foly or lightness out of them, I 
would say look
at the very definition you expressed against my cheer and see if that does not define
understanding and the quest for it.  Surprisingly, I found this to be cheap & cold.  
Peace, love
and understnding are found through listening, expressing ones side and perspective, 
a real DESIRE to find common ground and resolve! 

I realize I have tied into a few post but i believe the were all spawned from one 
another and
divided here, so excuse me for saving it all up.
Susan (proud humanist/atheist)

Prepared for those who will choose to take issue here, but still hoping otherwise, 
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