Epiphanies anyone?

I was 16 and I was definitely out of the grunge-self-depracating phase of my adolescence. I was getting into different music. I had this really cheesy book on Rock n' Roll and one day asked my mother about Joni Mitchell. She mentioned to me that she was always amazed by her range on the song, "HelP mE". Well, I had never even heard anything by Joni Mitchell. Later that year, I took a chance and bought my first Joni album, Turbulent INdigo and my first Tom Waits album (also having never heard a sole note that he had sung). I was totally entranced by the sound of this artist, I loved the strong smokey voice that had an assertive tug on my musical palate. I wondered at that point where was that 'impressive' range that my mother raved about. The smokey voice didn't turn me off, it lured in further. The music was fresh and new to my ears as well, despite my first impression being that I thought most of the instrumentation was more of the "light-jazz" quality, the more I listened, the more I noticed how it didn't serve that label, and infact, like the Tom Waits album I picked up was the same, uncategorizeable. WEll, from there I was hooked and the next Joni album I bought was Dog Eat Dog and I was equally excited about the familiar 80's synth sounds that I had been raised on, weened off (during my grunge phase) and then began to appreciate as I matured.
So, I have to say that Turbulent Indigo was my ephipany, and I didn't purchase Blue until 2 and a half years later, which makes me think why did I hold off for so long?
Blair :)

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