Sarah wrote, in her very comprehensive and thought-provoking response:

"A question for you: what facts would convince you that this is a just war?"

It's very simple:  a clear, undisputed link between Iraq and the terrorist attacks 
against the U.S. on September 11, 2001, or a much more foreful statement than any I 
have heard from those in the know that such a link exists, but that sources can't be 
revealed for obvious reasons.  I can accept that, even though it's asking ordinary 
citizens to take quite a lot on faith.  But I'm looking for a nexis.  I just don't see 

The attack against our country was a horrific thing, and it goes without saying that 
it gives the U.S. the right to defend itself.  What it does not give us is the right 
(I would say, the excuse) to launch attacks against *other* enemies we have had in the 
past, or who we may regret not finishing off years ago, when we had the chance.  And 
it does not give the U.S. carte blanche to attack another nation, whose link to the 
September 11 attacks is unclear at best, in order to further its own domestic and 
international agenda.  To me, such action cheapens the memories and lives of all those 
who lost their lives that day, and is a travesty.

There.  I've felt that for a long time.  Now I've finally said it.


P.S.  If you have additional information that might make such a link clearer, I'd 
certainly be happy to read it.  If you've already posted this information to the list 
(I haven't kept up much in the past week), no need to re-post:  just refer me to the 
date of the post in question.

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