Hi Lucy!

Have I told you yet how happy I am that you are here?  Well I am!  I have really 
enjoyed your
posts and love your writing in general.  

And here I go trying to throw the lightness on these things and laughing it all away!

Lulu wrote:
> George Bush, Saddam Hussein, Tony Blair, Putin, you name any of the
> heads of state in this planet, they are only human and only men... 

Well we can't all be fortunate enough to be women.

just as
> powerful women are only women. 

Luuuu you just blew my previous point!  Oh yes there was Margaret Thatcher.  I stand 

Lucy wrote:
> I think it was Plato who said (and forgive me if I am wrong) that the very
> people who seek public office are exactly the people who should not have it.

I don't care who said it, its true and unfortnate.  So that said I would like to 
announce my
campaign to run for the office of -oops!  Guess that kind of bursts my own bubble!

... Reading the
> amazing viewpoints on the list has made me think about it so much more
> deeply than I have ever thought about world conflict before.
> And however much the points are argued, however much the cases are cogently
> put, do any of us truly feel that this is a JUST WAR?

I too must add how pleased I am with the tone of this debate.  Kudos to both side for 
keeping it
clean and friendly.  And thanks for all the efforts and research.  BUT I haven't 
changed my mind
one iota!  LOL!

> I apologise for not quoting endlessly from everyone's mails but I am not
> equal to the task of arguing point for point. this mail is my gut feel. 

As it is for me Lucy.  It still all somes down to my gut and my humanist beliefs.

Lucy shared:
> If night should come sooner than we thought it might
>     remember that I loved you.
>     Not, I grant, a love that sacrifices truth or light
>      but still a love that leant the world a heart
>      on some warm secret hillside in the night.

Thanks for sharing this, it is simply beautiful.

> We all of us have so much humanity to lose.
> Lucy

Exactly.  Thanks again. 

And now back to our regularly scheduled discussion ......
Is it "notches or not just liberation doll?"  Speaking of beating a dead horse.LOL!

Peace To All!
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