Hello Lori

I have watched your discussions with real interest and I am truly humbled at
the knowledge and depth of feeling that are expressed. I am a true
apolitical and a confirmed humanist. It does bother me, because of the human
rights issues involved, about the plight of those in Iraq, but equally
bothered about abuse in all countries and I do not exclude the UK or US in
those areas of concern.

I work for a very large children's charity as a fundraiser and feel deeply
to the core about the issues young people face in this ever more scary
world...the pressure they feel to take part in drug taking and alcohol abuse
and the spiral or degradation that can lead from those things... I can
rattle on for hours if required. the issues of war cmae up in a talk I was
giving today when one of the kids said he felt truly despairing of any
future for this planet when no one seemed to consider the youngsters whose
fathers were going off to the Gulf, and may be killed fighting on the side
of ....what? truth, justice, He was a 14 year old in a failing school who
really made me think...

It is a sad time for humanity....... and those who are the abusers, those
who are the warmongers, those whose jingoism lights their pale eyes with
zealous glee at the thought of a fight, whilst changing channels for the
better news coverage of the bombings (that will take place)......... need to
look inwards at what they are doing to the world, to the people they are
supposed to be governing, and to their SELF (the inner being we all of us
have reagardless of colour or creed).

Jackson Browne in HOW LONG sings

When you think about the money spent
On defence by each government
And the weapons of destruction they build
they are so sure that they need....
and you think about the millions, and millions
that money could feed.....

that has my vote...... It should have been Aid to Afghanistan, not


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