Kakki wrote:

> And as the one who mentioned ANSWER I did not mean to imply that ALL
> antiwar groups were Marxist/Socialist.  Bit ANSWER and it's main
> affiliates ARE the prime organizers and activists in the movement.

And if they are Marxist/Socialist, this is entirely bad?  We have a 
number of Socialists on this list, possibly Communists as well.  
History has shown that Marxism works only in theory, but there's no 
harm in continuing to believe that it *could* work.  Socialism and 
Communism do not automatically equal "evil," regardless of how hard 
U.S. politicians and corporations have tried (and continue to try) to 
make us believe that.  (I can remember being a youngster in the 1960s, 
when no one bothered to explain Communism to me; rather, they just spit 
out the word "Communist" as if they were saying "Satan.")

There are a lot of thing wrong with Capitalism, too, but I won't even 
begin to "go there" right now, as it's another huge can of worms.  But 
please consider this:  "our" way is not the only "right" way.


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