Kakki wrote, of ANSWER:

> It just seemed ironic that the CIA would be in league with Marxists

Ironic, perhaps.  But, to me, not particularly surprising.  In fact I 
can't imagine a collusion between any branch of the U.S. government and 
another country, party, or group that would surprise me in the least.

and of Capitalism:

> Guess I just see it as the lesser of the evils.  To me one system
> represents slavery, stagnation and deprivation while I see more
> opportunity for freedom, growth and prosperity in the other.

And I often perceive the Capitalist system as one that pretends to be 
so moral and fair but takes absolute - if indirect - advantage of 
child/slave labor in other countries, just to name one example.

> One system demands that everyone think the same and defer to a state-
> run, one party ideaology.

IMO, the party now in power in the United States may not (yet) be able 
to demand, but it would sure as hell prefer that we defer to 
its "wisdom" ... and shall we discuss how they continue to attempt to 
blur the line between church and state?  (Has anyone noticed the recent 
new commercial from NARAL (http://www.naral.org/cfa/index.html)?  There 
is a reason for this.)

> The other system offers more opportunity for everyone, regardless of
> their beliefs or idealogy, to contribute and participate.

More opportunity ... yes, I guess I would agree.  Otoh, others might 
not.  (See the pending cases against the University of Michigan's 
affirmative action policies, or visit http://www.bamn.com)


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