Lori wrote:

> And if they are Marxist/Socialist, this is entirely bad?

I first mentioned that ANSWER, who has been the prime organizer of the
antiwar protests was a (in many eyes hard radical) Marxist group in my
question to Sarah several days ago where she said to the effect that
supporting antiwar efforts was supporting the CIA's anti-democratic agenda
towards Iraq.  She then explained what she meant in response to my post.  It
just seemed ironic that the CIA would be in league with Marxists, and my
original question was posed with irony.  I am sorry for offending any
Marxists/Communists here on the list by speaking of ANSWER's idealogy.

> Socialism and  Communism do not automatically equal "evil," regardless of
how hard
> U.S. politicians and corporations have tried (and continue to try) to
> make us believe that.  (I can remember being a youngster in the 1960s,
> when no one bothered to explain Communism to me; rather, they just spit
> out the word "Communist" as if they were saying "Satan.")

Yes, I remember those days, too.

> There are a lot of thing wrong with Capitalism, too, but I won't even
> begin to "go there" right now, as it's another huge can of worms.  But
> please consider this:  "our" way is not the only "right" way.

Guess I just see it as the lesser of the evils.  To me one system represents
slavery, stagnation and deprivation while I see more opportunity for
freedom, growth and prosperity in the other.  One system demands that
everyone think the same and defer to a state-run, one party ideaology. The
other system offers more opportunity for everyone, regardless of their
beliefs or idealogy, to contribute and participate.


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