18 page vademecum containing certain instructions about how Catholic
politicians should act and vote. It expressly forbids them to support
abortion, euthanasia and homosexual marriage. It also opposes common law
marriages which it claims 'should not be considered to have legal recognition
or be considered juridically equal to church-blessed marriages' (my approx
translation). There must be more, given the 18 pages but you get the drift.

I feel I must defend the CHURCH. The Catholic church is like any other club..organization.. in that that have tenets..rules to follow. When you join anything one usually agrees with the rules..if not, get out. The Catholic church on morals and faith will not change with the whims of man. They have not for two thousand years. There are even rules to follow here at the JMDL. When Ashara had the fest at her house she specifically made a point of telling attendees: NO ILLEGAL DRUGS OF ANY KIND. Well..she had the right of course..it was her house...she was hosting the gathering. So I wrestle with the church I grew up in and loved..it has rules that are in direct conflict with my sexuality. I choose not to follow all those rules...so I got out. (personally..I'm glad some things never change...and are consistent)


oh how generous of them. oh how ironic.

Mags, not amused.

You open my heart, you do.
Yes you do.
     - JM
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