Greetings from Toronto, where it is unbelievably cold.
I think I have some sort of peculiar flu. I just feel...WEIRD.

I haven't posted for awhile, but have been avidly reading
all the digests. What an interesting group of people here.
Always entertaining and thought-provoking.

Some thought of my own.

T'LOG must have been very expensive (the players,
the orchestra, the packaging). If Joni indeed
doesn't sell (TI, TTT and BSN were particularly
disappointing, given Joni's '90s return to favour),
why did Reprise green-light the project
in the first place?

T'LOG has gotten some respectable reviews, we must 
remember that. Would it have gotten more if had
been a single CD? Is it bloated? 

How do people feel about the song selection? I think
all of us would have welcomed a few more uptempo pieces,

By and large, I really love T'LOG, and find it grows on me
with every listen. But I have to admit that I skip a number of 
songs: SLOUCHING (can't abide those "Head of a man"s!
ouch!), LUDWIG (the worst performance of Joni's career; and 
too bad, because I love the orchestration), TRAIN (too damn busy
by half); SEX KILLS (am I the only one who's fairly sick of that
song?); and BORDERLINE (never one of my favourites; and
not deserving of full orchestration).

In my "imaginary" T'LOG, these are replaced by HELP ME, 
A NEW FACE. What is missing for YOU?

This Sunday NY Times will no doubt include letters about
the Rockwell review (they always appear two Sundays after
the review was published). It'll be interesting to see what
kind of responses it generated. I imagine he'll be taken to task
on a number of levels.

Do people here really dislike BSN? I think it's an amazing
record myself. 

Remember when THOSL and HEJIRA first arrived? Wasn't it
a thrill opening the package for the first time? CD design is
cool, yes, but nothing can beat that large-format art: Joni in
the pool; Joni on the sleeve of H as the crow flying, looking
for something shiny; the covers of both albums when opened up;
the way the words look against the H landscape, with "crow"
Joni, with skates in place of claws, about to take flight.

Speaking of HEJIRA, and of T'LOG, I think the new H is 
the best thing on T'LOG. Among its many pleasures, I 
really love the sound of Benny Goodman as it is captured

In closing, La Joni may have lost a lot of power vocally,
but -- as Rockwell noted -- there's a new "commucativeness"
in her singing. And, as ever, patented Joni "thrills." For me:

"Beautiful foolish arms" -- AMELIA
"Through a glass darkly" -- LOVE
"Oh, where is hope?" -- JOB
"You gotta change / And that's not easy" -- TROUBLE CHILD
"Not a lot of HELP" -- GMBABM
 That "oh oh oh" in HEJIRA
"Grown up so fast" -- CHINESE CAFE
The second, drawn-out "In the Broadwayyyyyyy bridge" 
"And the dream of a baby" -- DAWNTREADER
"And I fly-y-y away" -- RICHARD
"Inside a jar" -- CIRCLE GAME

Ah, Joni, I love ya!


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