> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lucy Hone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 6:23 PM
> Subject: Just war (NJC)
> > Dear All JMDL-ers.
> > I sit here, stunned, amazed, and humbled at the incredible and admirable
> > lengths to which the contributors to this particular subject,(JUST WAR)
> are
> > so cogently able to make their many, varied and valid points.
> >
> > What strikes me about all of this terrible situation, and the horrendous
> > other attrocities that are being committed throughout the world,.. or
> in
> > the process of being planned to take place... is that each involved
> > whether pro or contra that particular situation, manage to argue their
> > various points with a passion that is amazing to behold.
> > We are all only humans. I made the point in my first mail to the list
> about
> > a man called Satish Kumar.  He made a point to me, in our conversation,
> that
> > the powerful people in this world, each and every one of them is "only a
> > human". George Bush, Saddam Hussein, Tony Blair, Putin, you name any of
> the
> > heads of state in this planet, they are only human and only men... just
> > powerful women are only women. They have, as we do, all the foibles and
> > failings of us less famous people, they have come to power because they
> > sought it, and (at least where voting is almost certainly run properly)
> put
> > into power because they are believed in by a voting populace... they are
> > also manipulated by other humans would like to be in power and who place
> > their own schemes in front of the men with the pens to sign and the
> buttons
> > to push.
> >
> > I think it was Plato who said (and forgive me if I am wrong) that the
> > people who seek public office are exactly the people who should not have
> it.
> > and that becomes more and more evident as this world turns ever closer
> > yet another conflict... there is no one answer as to what this "JUST
> > is about but the words "SPIN DOCTORS" rise up in my mind very
> > hidden agendas and corporate greed are other words that hover on the
> edges.
> >
> > There is not one politician I would ever vote in to office and I try to
> > avoid politics.
> >
> > However I live in a heaveily naval town and have seen the boats sailing
> out
> > to see, the newly aommandeered merchantmen (ships) hanging about doing
> > manoevres with landing craft two minutes from my house, and the very
> > empty moorings in the harbour where 4 days ago the ARK ROYAL was waiting
> > (heavily draped to avoid prying eyes). I feel sick to the core of my
> > to think of any nation losing its men and women to battle.
> >
> > Each and every politician who is allied to the BIG NAMES has sent us to
> this
> > flashpoint and I do not know how to tell my 11 year old daughter how it
> > that we are heading to conflict or actually the reasons why... Reading
> > amazing viewpoints on the list has made me think about it so much more
> > deeply than I have ever thought about world conflict before.
> >
> > And however much the points are argued, however much the cases are
> cogently
> > put, do any of us truly feel that this is a JUST WAR? There are too many
> > lies, twists, misinformations and hidden agendas for this ever to be a
> > WAR... I apologise to any who lost relatives in the Twin Towers and whom
> my
> > viewpoint may offend but there has to come a point where belief is
> suspended
> > and a very long hard look at who has got what to gain from any conflict
> > the Gulf.
> >
> > I apologise for not quoting endlessly from everyone's mails but I am not
> > equal to the task of arguing point for point. this mail is my gut feel.
> am
> > prompted to end with this late 50's early 60's anti-war poem, I do not
> know
> > who wrote it but a friend copied it to me some years ago.......
> >
> > If night should come sooner than we thought it might
> >     remember that I loved you.
> >     Not, I grant, a love that sacrifices truth or light
> >      but still a love that leant the world a heart
> >      on some warm secret hillside in the night.
> >
> > We all of us have so much humanity to lose.
> > Lucy
> >

 Lucy you get a standing ovation from me. Thanks for the post.

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