That's so funny - the interview was in support of his new book and I can't remember 
for the life of me where I read it. oy.  One thing I did get wrong is  - David said he 
wrote "Axis of Hate", not axis of terror.  Boy my memory is going.
Also in the interview he said his wife's email did not get him in trouble but that he 
left because he was an economic oriented speechwriter, not a war-time one
and the truth lies somewhere in between...
 Lori Fye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Even his "axis of evil" comment - which 
you could almost 
> believe Bush might've coined - wasn't his own; it was David Frum's.

Jenny replied:

> I just read an interview with Bush's ex-speechwriter this week - I
> can't remember where. He actually wrote "axis of terror" and there
> was debate over whether North Korea should be included or not. And
> by the time the speech left Bush's lips it had been changed to Axis
> of EVIL (and included N. Korea) - the idea was to make the phrase
> more biblical sounding, since Bush has had success w7th biblical
> rhetoric in the past .

Interesting ... I wonder if the change was really to make it sound more 
biblical, or to make it sound more like something Reagan would've 
said? (Remember the "evil empire"?)

Also interesting is that David Frum - who is the speechwriter in 
question - was just on the Today Show this week. David did not dispute 
Matt Lauer's suggestion that David coined "axis of evil." And, when 
asked, David did not deny that his wife (Danielle Crittenden Frum) more 
or less got him into trouble by writing an email to one of her friends 
in which she exclaimed how proud she was of her husband. The email was 
of course forwarded all over the place, and the subsequent 
embarrassment to the Administration apparently contributed to David's 
departure, although David claims to have already handed in his 
resignation prior to the speech.

I'm not disputing the interview you read though, Jenny. I have no 
doubt there is more than one version of the story, even from David 
himself -- who, btw, I used to work for directly. He left the 
Manhattan Institute (where we both worked at its DC satellite office) 
just after Bush was elected, to become one of Bush's three 
speechwriters. David was supposed to be writing speeches about 
economic policy ... but ... well, he is rather verbose, to say the 

who never should have worked for the Manhattan Institute 
( and the Thomas B. Fordham 
Foundation ( - it was a package deal - but 
who is glad she did for the opportunity to experience how the "other 
side" thinks ... although god knows those 14 months drove me damn near 
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