lucy wrote:

It also chills my blood that children throughout the world have to deal
DAILY with mental, sexual and physical abuse, are daily in the cluthces of
paedophiles who sell their depravity on the net,
Children are just not valued enough by society(maybe not any soceity).

I was watching a program yesterday about teo boys in Florida of 13 and 14. They were tried as adutls for the murder of their father and found guilty of murder 2. These boys were 12 and 13 at the time of their crime(alleged). These two boys had been abandoned by their mother, had been pushed form foster home to foster home. they wree also in the clutches of a peodophile who either committed the murder himself or persuaded the boys to do it. Forensic evidence suggests that the bludgeoning of the father was done by somoene much taller and stronger than either of these boys. They wree still found guilty.
I am disgusted, more than I can express, that:

1. that these two boys are victims of the worst kind of abuse.

2. that they were badly let down by society and their parents.

3. that they were tried as adults when they are children.

4. that no one cared enough to stop this happening.

and all this in a 'civilised' country.(many 'civilised' countries abuse their children)

Children our our most valuable asset. they turn out to be the adults we create. One only has to look around at the world to see how we have failed miserably.

I agree with everything you wrote Lucy and I share the same 'naive' dream.


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