Lucy Hone wrote:

>Thank you Colin for taking notice,
>(I have not received the digest today and so did not know that my piece was
>on line) and I did not know of the case you mention.
>" > I was watching a program yesterday about teo boys in Florida of 13 and
>>14. They were tried as adutls for the murder of their father and found
>>guilty of murder 2. These boys were 12 and 13 at the time of their
>>crime(alleged). "
>>I am disgusted, more than I can express, that:
>>1. that these two boys are victims of the worst kind of abuse.
>>2. that they were badly let down by society and their parents.
>>3. that they were tried as adults when they are children.
>>4. that no one cared enough to stop this happening.
>>and all this in a 'civilised' country.(many 'civilised' countries abuse
>>their children)
>I work for a large charity concerned with children in the UK. The sort of
>terrible situation children find themselves in in the US (neglected by
>parents and failed by the state authorities who look after them in loco
>parentis) is not uncommon here, but we do not have the annomalies of state
>laws that allow children who are completely vicitmised by their lives to be
>deemed adults in one state and children in another....
too true. Children are not put first here either. almost 2 children are 
killed every week by their carers. negligence on the part of 'agencies' 
has eld to horrendous deaths for some children.

>There have been several cause celebre cases here, as you know ,where
>children have been guilty of killing other children (James Bulger case for
>example) It was apalling that they tortured that child and killed him. There
>is no denying the heinous nature of their crime. But what were their
>backgrounds, just what sort of depravity had they been exposed to that made
>them do what they did? I do not suggest for one moment that they should go
>unpunished but the whole issue of how to deal with youth crime is a thorny
>one and it is important that society understands the nature of cycles of
>abuse and behavioural patterns that are caused therein....

which is why i say'take care of our children and the world will be a 
better place'.  It DOES pass from genration to genration. people are so 
stupid. They still believ that chidlren 'forget' the bad stuff. They DO 
NOT. It just makes us feel better to think it. Not only do they not 
forget it they pass it on to theirs. I am not saying that children who 
abuse grow up to abuse. No. But I am saying that they pass on the 
disturbance of the emtoions, the wonky thinking, the distrust  and the 
FEAR. Even tho some people do 'forget', it is not gone but festers in 
the subconscious and affects daily life and behaviour. The tragedy of 
this being that the symtoms sho but the casue is 'forgotten'. People DO 
suppress/repress bad memeories. That is a fact.

> the sheer indoctrination of children by bigotted
>parents breeds a whole new generation who think like their parents did......
which is just why society, parents and religons teach children. they 
want them to be like them. I think that indoctrinating children into a y 
religion is a form of abuse. Children should be free tommake their own 
choices when adult. They should not have beliefs foistered upon them.


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