> Good article on car dependency in the U.S. and hence the need for
> Iraq's oil.
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/oil/story/0,11319,877269,00.html

Thanks for sharing that, Sarah - and Joni was quoted, to boot!   : )

I LOVE to drive my car, but U.S. dependency on oil is sickening.  I've 
found that I love to ride the DC area's Metrorail just as much, and as 
bizarre as it may seem, I've always loved to ride Greyhound/Trailways 
buses.  There are plenty of ways that can at least minimize our 
consumption of oil.  After all, even the oil beneath the sand in Iraq 
won't last forever.

(And I've always imagined oil as the "blood" of our planet ... we're 
like vampires, sucking it all away, leaving Earth dry inside ... no one 
knows what the consequences may be.)

I completely agree with this paragraph, toward the end of the article:

"Those who oppose war in Iraq must work together to prevent the 
conflicts that will follow if we fail to tackle car dependency. We must 
reclaim the streets, promote walking and cycling, strengthen public 
transport, oppose new road construction and pay the full social cost of 
car use. We must argue for land-use policies that reduce the need for 
car travel. We need "urban villages" clustered around public transport 
nodes, not sprawling car-dependent conurbations. We can all play our 
part and we must act now."


P.S. to Sarah - I haven't had a chance to download and read the 
articles you sent about Iraq, but I will do so soon.

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