Kasey, 2 degrees F is for, what we call in England, big girls' blouses! ;-)

Try minus 27 for size, and it's dropping as I write. And that's without wind chill. I just went out to post a letter, and wore FOUR fleeces, one with goose down stuffing, plus a jacket over the top, also with goose down. I looked like a walking duvet. Plus heavy boots, woollen hat, gloves with fingers AND mittens over the top of them. Takes about 15 minutes to get dressed. No wonder all Canadians are living in the USA.

You find out interesting things about the cold living here. Like: never wear tight clothes because they'll make you colder. You should always wear baggy things so that you have a pocket of air between your skin and the material. Weird but true. And never let your hands get cold. Once your hands are cold, the rest of you will follow. And never do what a friend of mine from Texas did during her first winter here. Trying to get into her car one day, her hands were frozen and she dropped her keys. Took off gloves, picked up keys, put keys in her mouth while she got her gloves back on. Reached up to take keys out of mouth and found they were stuck firmly to her tongue! Had to go back inside to gargle with hot water to loosen them. ;-)


From: "kasey simpson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Well Sarah, it's 2 degrees Fahrenheit here in Ohio and
no I'm not taking credit for that, even the wind leaves
Canada to come to the USA :)

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