"It's the kind of night, so cold,
 when ya spit,
 it freezes before it hits the ground.
 And when a bum asks for a quarter
 ya give a dollar (CND).
 'If he's out tonight, he must be truly down.'"

Michael Timmins,
famous for being a brother to Our Blessed Virgin Margo, of the Cowboy
Junkies- a Canadian band.


Sara wrote:
>>>>Try minus 27 for size, and it's dropping as I write.  And that's
without wind chill.  I just went out to post a letter, and wore FOUR
fleeces, one with goose down stuffing, plus a jacket over the top,
also with goose down.  I looked like a walking duvet.  Plus heavy
boots, woolen hat, gloves with fingers AND mittens over the top of
them.  Takes about 15 minutes to get dressed.  No wonder all
Canadians are living in the USA.>>>>>>>>>>>>

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